International Cooperation & Training

NACIN is a premier academy not only for the officers and other stakeholders of India but also for participants from other countries and international organizations. NACIN has been recognized and accredited by various international bodies such as WCO, UNEP, UNODC, ADB and SASEC etc as an important institution of capacity building, in particular in the Asia/Pacific Region. In this connection, International Training & Cooperation (ICT) Section conducts regular trainings for international participants.

2018 Onwards

Sl. No. Subject Download
1 Half day Online Training on " Official use of Rajbhasha in Rajbhasha Act and e-office" for CBIC officers on 24th July, 2020
2 Call for nomination for Online Training on Low Technology Threats to Public Transportation (LTTPT) being conducted by NACIN, Faridabad from 31st August-4th September 2020 in association with US Department of State
3 Call of nominations for the Master Degree Programme by Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) for the academic year 2020.
4 Calling of Nomination for UNODC E- learning Programme.
5 Calling Nomination for IMF's SARTTAC Training on Organizational Structure and Management Course (SA 19.21, OSM) to be held at SARTTAC, New Delhi on 04-08 March, 2019
6 Supervisory Officers Workshop to Combat Illegal Trade in HCFCs held at Mangaluru.
7 Supervisory Officers Workshop to Combat Illegal Trade in HCFCs held at Udaipur.
8 Train the Trainers Workshop on Green Customs for Officers of Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC).
9 Two (2) days National Training Course on Drug Law Enforcement.
11 ICT Trainings during 2018-19
12 ICT Trainings during 2019-20
13 ICT Trainings during 2020-21
14 ICT Trainings during 2021-22
15 ICT Trainings during 2022-23
16 ICT Trainings during 2023-24

Before 2018

Sl. No. Subject Download
1 Access to World Customs Organisation CLiKC programme.
2 Calling Nominations for Train the Trainers Workshop to combat illegal trade in HCFCs from 11-13 October 2017 at NACIN Faridabad.
3 Train the Trainers workshop to combat illegal trade in HCFCs by NACIN, UNEP & Ozone Cell from 02nd - 04th May, 2017
4 List of Zone where ODS Identifiers are sent.
5 Computer Based Training on "Strenghthening Drug Law Enforcement Capacities" on 09th December, 2016 at NACIN, Faridabad.
6 Train the Trainers Workshop to combat illegal trade in HCFCs from 21st-23rd December, 2016 by NACIN, UNEP & Ozone Cell.
7 WCO Regional workshop on Compliance and Enforcement Package at NACIN, Faridabad from 20-24 June, 2016
8 Second National Workshop on OSPCA under the WCO-ADB Multi-year Assistance for SASEC countries at NACIN, Faridabad from 6-9 June, 2016 Nomination called
from feild formations,
last date for nomination is 23.05.2016
9 International Rail Interdiction Training(IRIT) II at Amritsar from 6-10 June, 2016