NACIN is the Regional Training Centre of World Customs Organization (WCO). NACIN has also been recognized by several international bodies like UNEP, UNODC, ADB etc. as the capacity building partner in the field of Customs and Drug Law Enforcement. NACIN also conducts trainings on Customs and Narcotics matters for various foreign countries under ITEC Programme of Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. In recent years NACIN has collaborated with following international organizations:

Details of cooperation
2004 NACIN is accredited WCO Regional Training Centre for ASIA Pacific Region.
2008 NACIN has cooperation and exchange with Russian Customs Academy towards shared goals in training and scientific research through mutual exchange of faculty, experts and trainees.
2010 NACIN is UNODC’s Regional Partner under Project XSA/J81 for “Strengthening Drug Law Enforcement Capacities in South Asia”.
2016 Under the aegis of UNEP, NACIN has signed MoA in 2016 with Ozone Cell, MoEF&CC, regarding capacity building of Customs and enforcement officers for combating illicit trade in HCHCs for phase out of HCFCs under HPMP Stage-I. Further, under HPMP Stage-II, NACIN and Ozone Cell has signed new MoA in 2020.
2017 NACIN is designated as resource centre for SASEC countries by ADB to undertake reforms and capacity building in Customs matters.
2019 A Memorandum of Understanding between CBIC and Maldives Customs Service was signed during Hon’ble PM visit to Maldives in June 2019 under which NACIN is entrusted for capacity building of Maldives Customs.