GST Training Accreditation Programme

GST Training Accreditation Programme (Training for members of Trade, Industry & other stakeholders) NACIN invited Expression of Interest from training institutes and professional bodies desirous of imparting GST Training to various stakeholders as 'Approved Training Partner' under "GST Training Accreditation Programme" with the objective to impart quality training a reasonable cost.

7 organizations/institutions were approved by the competent authority to impart Training to Trade as 'Approved Training Partners'. Names of the organizations are given below :

Sl. No. Name of Organization Contact Person Address Mobile No Tel. No. Email ID Website
1 Amity University Shri Ashish Sahu, Vice President-Training Amity University Campus Sector 125 Noida PIN-201313,Uttar Pradesh 956010445 0120-4392953/157 asahu[at]amity[dot]edu
2 NIIT Limited Vikram K Srivastava NIIT Ltd,A-24,Sector 34, Info City 1,Near Hero Honda Chowk,Gurugram,Haryana-122001 0124-4916747 GSTtraining[at]niit[dot]com GST Training
3 Laghu Udyog Bharti Om Prakash Mittal H.O:1E/11,Swami Ramtirth /nagar, Jhandewalan Extn., New Delhi-110055 9414051265 president[at]lubindia[dot]com,


4 Marathwad Mitra Mandal Institute of Management Education Research & Training Uttam Sapate 302/A, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune - 411004 9021238042 uttamsapate[at]imertpune[dot]in
5 Siddaganga Institute of Tech Shreya Chakraborthy DR M R Shollapur, Director, Post Graduate Department of Management Studies and Research Centre, SIT, BH Road, Tumkur - 572103 9739086335 sitpgdmsrc[at]gmail[dot]com
6 CII Mr. Vikkas Mohan, Senior Director Vikkas Mohan Senior Drector,CII,Mantosh Sondhi Centre 23, Institutional Area Lodi Road New Delhi 110003 9871960444 vikkas[dot]mohan[at]cii[dot]in
7 Siva Sivani Institute of Mgmt V G Chari Dr.VG Chari,Assistant Vice President,NH 7,Kompally, Secunderabad 500100 9391115089 vgchari[at]ssim[dot]ac[dot]in

As per the agreed terms and condition, NACIN Faridabad, has imposed the fee ceiling for the three day GST training at Rs 13,500/-(with accommodation) and Rs 7,500/- (without accommodation ) per participant.